Darcy Lonergan (Green Party)
candidate Dáil election

year of birth
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residence (town, city, district)
Cavan-Monaghan ,
1st preference votes: 530, 0,7%
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Questions to Darcy Lonergan
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Issue employment

Will the greens Make the energy sector more suitable for growth in wind energy? Cuurently The system does not pay back providers for supplied energy to the grid via Wind Hydro or whatever...In the UK Providers get paid a fee for supplying energy......

Will the Greens commit to making our system more like the UK in this regard?

As You know we have more Wind energy than most Eurpoean Nations. Spain and Germany is way ahead of us in % age of National energy dependant on wind......what wil teh greens do to make us like them . This will provide Many Jobs... Also what will they do to encourage native manufacture of turbines and other green technologies ? We lag way behind in this sector yet we have more wind energy per land area than most countries bar possibly Scotland

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