Denis Naughten (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
Research Scientist
Teachta Dála
residence (town, city, district)
Roscommon - South Leitrim ,
1st preference votes: 9.320, 19,6%, elected
We believe this will cost the exchequer €120 million annually, but that will be offset by the earlier than planned abolition of mortgage interest relief for new first time buyers. Housing prices have fallen massively from the highs of the boom and Government support for paying for new mortgages should not be needed after June of this year. (...)
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Issue financial crisis


your party is proposing a special rate of mortgage relief for first-time home buyers between 2005 and 2008.

What will be the exact cost of this proposal and how will the cost be met - through an additional taxation measure or a reduction in service(s)?
answer sent by Denis Naughten
Denis Naughten
We believe this will cost the exchequer €120 million annually, but that will be offset by the earlier than planned abolition of mortgage interest relief for new first time buyers. Housing prices have fallen massively from the highs of the boom and Government support for paying for new mortgages should not be needed after June of this year. In time the relief will be phased out.

Full details of our fiscal plans will be released next week.
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