Enda how can you stand over Fine Gael´s Irish Language Policy?
Making the Irish language optional will cause irreparable damage to the future of our native tongue.
If it is made optional students will not choose Irish as a subject because:
1- Languages are harder subjects to study for the Leaving Cert
2- There are 2 papers in Irish- 7.5 hours v 2-3 hours (most other subjects)
3- Irish would have to compete with other subjects for third level (eg biology for medicine)
4- Irish would no longer be available in every school
5- Students will be deterred from studying Irish from Primary school onwards
Languages have been optional for the GCSE in England since 2001.The amount of students studying languages has fallen from 78% to 44%. This scenario will be even worse in Ireland.
The course needs to be revamped and revitalised not made optional.