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EU elections
Welcome to CandidateWatch Ireland
CandidateWatch Ireland will allow you to question all Irish candidates in the forthcoming European Elections. Since all questions and answers are made public, you can follow up on promises after the elections. Start by choosing your constituency. It is easy and completely free!

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Replies thursday, 07.05.2009

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Lisbon Treaty
(...) We rejected Lisbon. The Parliament refuses to allow the democratic voice be heard. (...)

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Lisbon Treaty
(...) Thank you very much for the question, as you will know from the Lisbon Treaty Campaign Sinn Féin was the only political party to campaign for a no vote, to a large extent I think the establishment parties were very surprised at the rejection of the treaty, cleary they were not in touch with people and it showed the government had not considered or planned for an alternative. Although there is a plan to re run the Lisbon Treaty, I don´t believe that all is lost and people need to stay very strong on the issue, if we want to protect our public services, our neutrality and protect workers rights in this country then the Lisbon treaty in its current form has to be rejected, what we need in Europe is strong leadership and MEP´s who are not afraid to criticise the E.U. and the direction it is taking, I think Mary Lou McDonald was an excellent voice for both Irish and European citizens who wanted a no vote. It is through the election of people who want to see a more accountable and democratic Europe that we will see change take place. (...)

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partner sites of candidatewatch.ie

Logo: abgeordnetenwatch
Logo: kandidatenwatch.de
Logo: meinparlament
Logo: politikercheck

Press statement and background materials

Please click here to read
the press statement and background materials
issued for the launch of candidatewatch.ie (pdf)

Register to vote!

It is important now that people ensure they are on the electoral register. To check the register, you can use www.checktheregister.ie or else go to a local post office, public library or Garda Station.

If you are not on the register, yet, you can register until 15 days from polling day: www.checktheregister.ie