Gerry Adams (Sinn Féin)
candidate Dáil election

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(...) Invalid and spoiled ballots are not included in the voting process. When all seats have been filled and any recounts are concluded, the returning officer formally declares who has been elected. (...)
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Issue financial crisis
Ó Sé

What´s a credit default swap?
answer sent by Gerry Adams
Gerry Adams
What is credit default swap?

It is the insurance that will cover in the event of default of a bond- it´s a measure of how risky they think the bond , in terms of it ever being repaid and the coupon ( interest) associated with it, ever being repaid.
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Issue education

A chara,

I live in your constituency. I am a young person, I am proud Irish speaker and I am a vote. I am, along with many others, very concerned about Fine Gael´s policy regarding Irish in the Leaving Certificate syllablus. Enda Kenny has released his plans to remove Irish as a compulsory subject from the Leaving Cert, a plan which he seems to think will solve the Irish language problem in the education system. But in all seriousness, when the policy is considered properly, it is a hugely arrogant concept that insults our language and its speakers. The problem lies not with the fact that Irish is a compulsory subject but in its teaching and curriculum. This policy makes absolutley no sense and if implemented, will do irreversable damage to our language.

If you are elected, will you support keeping Irish as a core Leaving Certificate subject?

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Gerry Adams
, a chara,

Thank you for your recent mail and for taking the time to contact me.

In contrast to Fine Gael, Sinn Féin is committed to the protection and restoration of the Irish language. Rather than taking measures that will contribute to the dissolution of the Irish language, we believe the state should in fact be taking constructive steps to strengthen, support and encourage its growth.

Unlike Fine Gael’s proposal to deprioritise Irish by removing it from the second level education system as compulsory, we in Sinn Féin commit ourselves 100% to its promotions.

Equality is an integral part of a democratic society and this, as we have stated in our party’s manifesto, includes upholding the rights of Irish-language speakers.

We believe the future of the Irish language depends upon the continuing existence of sustainable Gaeltacht communities where Irish remains the primary language of the community. These communities must be protected, supported and developed. That is why we advocate proper resourcing into the education system and are promoting the right to be educated through the Irish language.

We also believe the right to education through Irish should be constitutionally and legally enshrined as one of the primary steps in protecting its existence for generations to come.

Hope this information is helpful.

Is mise le meas,

Gerry Adams
Sinn Féin Party President
Dail Candidate for Louth
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Issue democracy and civil rights

Do you think what has happened recently in Egypt and Tunisia could ever happen in Ireland?

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Issue democracy and civil rights

Hi Gerry

I am dismayed at the vicious rumours about what you did or didn´t do in the past.

At least you can hold your head up high and be comfortable that unlike Mary Lou McDonald, you were never ever a member of Fianna Fail.

Do you agree with my analysis?

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Issue electoral system

is it possible by protest vote to have an election declared null and void? If so, what percentage of votes required?

answer sent by Gerry Adams
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Gerry Adams
Joey, a chara,

Thank you for your query.

Invalid and spoiled ballots are not included in the voting process. When all seats have been filled and any recounts are concluded, the returning officer formally declares who has been elected. Once this is done, the only way a person can question the election results is by presenting an election petition to the High Court within 28 days of the result being declared.

Hope this information is helpful.

Is mise le meas,

Gerry Adams
Sinn Féin Party President
Dail Candidate for Louth
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