Ivana Bacik (Labour Party)
candidate Dáil election

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residence (town, city, district)
Dún Laoghaire ,
1st preference votes: 5.749, 10,1%
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Questions to Ivana Bacik
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Issue justice

What is the Labour Party position on the criminalisation of people for possession of cannabis for their own therapeutic or recreational use?

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Issue social protection

Are you committed?

1. To combat the crime of trafficking of persons into Ireland.

2. To change the system so that victims of the crime of trafficking are treated within the Dept. of Justice and not perceived primarily as a problem of Immigration.

3. To ensure free legal advice is provided in a language understood by the victim.

4. To ensure social assistance is provided in the areas of housing, education, health, counselling without the condition of the willingness of a victim to act as a State witness in a criminal trial

5. To have Ireland enact legislation that criminalises the purchase of sex, which fuels sexual exploitation and increases human trafficking – similar to the Swedish legislation.

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