John McGuiness (Fianna Fáil)
candidate Dáil election

year of birth
professional qualification
residence (town, city, district)
Carlow-Kilkenny ,
1st preference votes: 9.531, 12,9%, elected
personal website
Questions to John McGuiness
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Issue agriculture and forestry

Dear John,

there are rumours that Coillte will be sold under the FF/EU/IMF deal. What is your stand on selling the state owned Land-based asset to private investors in order to pay the wolf on the door? (Banks, Eu, IMF, FF miss management)

Are you a supporter of protein imports? Or would you strengthen the indigenous cultivation of vicia faba minor and pisum sativum?

Which energy crops, if any, would you support in your constituency?

Do you know the difference between compost and slurry? please explain

Will You support in the Future Emoan O´Cuve Scheme for small Farmers and Fishermen? (RSS)

What do you think you can bring to Carlow Kilkenny if elected?

Thank you for reading and I suppose responding


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Issue electoral system

Can you offer any reason as to why you have chosen to send out canvassers only to visit households on your behalf in Kilkenny?

Do you not feel you should meet the electorate yourself?

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