John Paul Phelan (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
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BBS (Economics & Finance)
residence (town, city, district)
Carlow-Kilkenny ,
1st preference votes: 10.929, 14,8%, elected
The harvest 2020 target for increased milk production is 10%. (...) Most of this will be achieved through increased yields as opposed to increased numbers. Also the Forestry target is a doubling of planting which would more than off-set any increase in number. Sequestration will be key to us reaching our carbon emissions targets. (...)
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Issue agriculture and forestry

Hi Mr Phelan,

there are rumours that Coillte will be sold under the FF/EU/IMF deal. What is your stand on selling the state owned Land-based asset to private investors in order to pay the wolf on the door? (Banks, Eu, IMF, FF miss management)

Are you a supporter of protein imports? Or would you strengthen the indigenous cultivation of vicia faba minor and pisum sativum?

Which energy crops, if any, would you support in your constituency?

Do you know the difference between compost and slurry? please explain

Will You support in the Future Emoan O´Cuve Scheme for small Farmers and Fishermen? (RSS)

What do you think you can bring to Carlow Kilkenny if elected?
Thank you for reading and I suppose responding

answer sent by John Paul Phelan
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John Paul Phelan
Reply below

John Paul

there are rumours that Coillte will be sold under the FF/EU/IMF deal. What is your stand on selling the state owned Land-based asset to private investors in order to pay the wolf on the door? (Banks, Eu, IMF, FF miss management)
  • We are proposing selling a minority share to fund our jobs plan - but it would remain in state ownership.

Are you a supporter of protein imports? Or would you strengthen the indigenous cultivation of vicia faba minor and pisum sativum?

Which energy crops, if any, would you support in your constituency?
  • I´m an active supporter of Miscanthus Farmers, also rape crops and indeed sugar beet for ethonal production.

Do you know the difference between compost and slurry? please explain
  • I´m from a farm - I know the difference!

Will You support in the Future Emoan O´Cuve Scheme for small Farmers and Fishermen? (RSS)
  • Yes

What do you think you can bring to Carlow Kilkenny if elected?
  • I have no family background in politics, I came to it with clean hands and a keen interest in the future of my country. Irish politics has far too long been dominated by dynasties.
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Issue education

Hi John,

firstly let me congratulate you on what is surely a victorious campaign and it is great to a young TD emerging in this area.

You have a preoccupation with WIT which is admirable at times but would raise the question, what advantages would this offer the people of Carlow/Kilkenny? Firstly, the college is outside your election area and secondly would this not undermine the status of Carlow IT. As Carlow IT is within your jurisdiction, how do you propose that they can attract students for generations to come from Ireland and abroad? I am looking for an answer that is relevant to the locality, not something preached from a party template.

Secondly, considering that your WIT campaign is focused on helping those in South Kilkenny, added to the fact that you are the FG Seanad Spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade & Employment, do you not find it strange that a group of 8 men who walked from Kilmacow to the Dail to protest about important issues that need to be adressed, were not met by a single representative from this area? The only one who took the time to meet them was Mr Ó Caoláin of Sinn Fein. As a representative of the area, can you offer any reason as to why you could not take a few small steps from the Seanad to the Dail gates? Surely a person from the area holding such a position of esteem in the Seanad, could have taken some time to show allegiance to members of your electorate. It looks to be a gross oversight or a deliberate ignorance on behalf of all candidates hoping to be elected for this area. It suggests that issues that are particularly thorny, are best left untouched. Maybe you could offer some reasons as to why you saw fit to ignore their plight?

Thank You.
answer sent by John Paul Phelan
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John Paul Phelan
Hi ,

Thank you for your good wishes.

I don´t think I have a preoccupation with WIT as such, but I do have one for achieving a university for the South-East. I see this including WIT, Carlow IT and campuses in Kilkenny and Wexford, and I think that this is a realisable goal.

As to the question of the group from Kilmacow who marched to Dublin, I support them fully. But the Seanad was not sitting that day and as a result I was in Kilkenny.

Best wishes

John Paul Phelan
additional response from 22.02.2011
Senator Phelan´s reply

Thank you for your email. Firstly, your congratulations are premature, there is a week to go before the vote and a lot of work to be done.

My support for WIT stems from my belief that the south east should have the strongest educational facilities possible. I am sure you appreciate that education will play a pivotal role in bringing Ireland out of recession. The Hunt Report that was recently published gives a suggested blueprint for the development of Ireland´s third-level sector. I disagree with aspects of this report (which are too long to go into here). However on suggestion in the report is that third-level colleges need a critical mass in terms of student numbers to become Technological Universities. I believe that Carlow and WIT should jointly work together to forge a strategic alliance to give the south east a stronger third-level presence. This would be crucial in terms of attracting firms and creating jobs. Waterford and Carlow would make, I believe, make good partners given the transport links that exist.

I was reacting in my statements to WIT´s talks with Cork IT and Tralee IT, which I believe, will not benefit the south-east region and, in particular, Carlow-Kilkenny. We must take a regional focus if we are to be successful.

Let me assure you that I do not ignore unemployed people. I am meeting them every day on my canvass (the result of the gross mismanagement of Ireland´s economy by Fianna Fail) and I have represented them continuously since I was first elected to the Seanad. Fine Gael is committed to getting Ireland working again.

John Paul Phelan
additional response from 22.02.2011
Thank you for your email. Firstly, your congratulations are premature, there is a week to go before the vote and a lot of work to be done.

My support for WIT stems from my belief that the south east should have the strongest educational facilities possible. I am sure you appreciate that education will play a pivotal role in bringing Ireland out of recession. The Hunt Report that was recently published gives a suggested blueprint for the development of Ireland´s third-level sector. I disagree with aspects of this report (which are too long to go into here). However on suggestion in the report is that third-level colleges need a critical mass in terms of student numbers to become Technological Universities. I believe that Carlow and WIT should jointly work together to forge a strategic alliance to give the south east a stronger third-level presence. This would be crucial in terms of attracting firms and creating jobs. Waterford and Carlow would make, I believe, make good partners given the transport links that exist.

I was reacting in my statements to WIT´s talks with Cork IT and Tralee IT, which I believe, will not benefit the south-east region and, in particular, Carlow-Kilkenny. We must take a regional focus if we are to be successful.

Let me assure you that I do not ignore unemployed people. I am meeting them every day on my canvass (the result of the gross mismanagement of Ireland´s economy by Fianna Fail) and I have represented them continuously since I was first elected to the Seanad. Fine Gael is committed to getting Ireland working again.


Neans McSweeney
flag answer as interesting
Issue agriculture and forestry

Hi John Paul,

thank you for your answers and compliment you are the first of the Carlow Kilkenny candidates to do so.

So some steps higher on the voting paper....

But unfortunately you skipped the answer on the protein crops and I hoped for some basic info regarding the difference of Slurry versus Compost as there is talk of increased milk production by 400% this means in reality 400times+ more Slurry and what will happen to water-quality? ...............

If you get a chance I would appreciate a answer

all the best for the election

kind regards
answer sent by John Paul Phelan
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John Paul Phelan

The harvest 2020 target for increased milk production is 10%. Most of this will be achieved through increased yields as opposed to increased numbers. Also the Forestry target is a doubling of planting which would more than off-set any increase in numbers. Sequestration will be key to us reaching our carbon emissions targets.

John Paul
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Issue employment

In the 5 point plan, there are 100 changes to Government. Section B, openness and performance accountability are refreshing and surprisingly good. However, in some other sections there are references to Micro Management by the Government - i.e. the cabinet office to oversee all of the program for government, the publishing of Purchase Orders over 20k, etc.

How does FG propose to push out accountability if it is in the plan to micromanage?

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