Billy Kelleher (Fianna Fáil)
candidate Dáil election

year of birth
professional qualification
residence (town, city, district)
Cork North - Central ,
1st preference votes: 7.896, 15,1%, elected
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Issue financial crisis


If you can give a good reason, i will give you my vote.

I am 25 and i want to know: how can you justify taking more pay cuts from people and then increase the price of petrol and living in general?

Do you not realise the more pay cuts your party have implemented the less we will spend. I think it would make far more sense if you are taking pay cuts from us then you should decrease the price of living and then we can still spend. We never get a say in how our country is run and you think you are making the right decisions but you are not.

If you can explain this i will promise you my vote. I have a full time job and feel i am being punished for this by how you treat us.

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Issue financial crisis

hello, we are doing a project in school and we are representing fianna fail. we were wondering do you have any advice to help us win?

good luck in the election

o and i almost forgot i am 10

please get back to us soon

thanks and googbye from

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