Micheál Martin (Fianna Fáil)
candidate Dáil election

year born
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M.A. political history
Party leader of Fianna Fáil
residence (town, city, district)
Cork South - Central ,
1st preference votes: 10.715, 16,7%, elected
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Questions to Micheál Martin
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Issue financial crisis


You have served in the Dail under Haughey, Reynolds and Ahern - three men who have brought this country into disrepute and ultimately the financial meltdown we are now experiencing. These men were unsuitable people to lead this country, men of little or no integrity yet despite this you remained at best silent and at worst supportive of their regime.

Surely your own integrity and suitability has to be questioned given your support for these individuals. We have, after all, only your track record to assess you.

Should you not a) step down as leader of FF and b) disband FF as the party where influence is for sale to the higgest bidder

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Issue democracy and civil rights

Hello Micheál. Do you think what has recently happened in Egypt and Tunisia could ever happen in Ireland?

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Issue democracy and civil rights

Did you any time over the last number of years approach former leaders of Finna Fail with your ideas on the reformation of the Irish Government. If not why?

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Issue financial crisis

Can you stand over the financial figures that are currently being used to base the projections for growth in the economy on for the next year and if your finance department have gotten it wrong what will that mean in terms of readjustment for the next budget?

In other words, Brian Lenihan has told us with this budget that this was the worst we could expect and that there would be less cuts required over the next 4 years as a result.

Have I got this wrong????

Please explain it to me, Im not stupid just overwhelmed by the depth of the hole we got ourselves into.

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Issue justice

I didn´t understand the answer you gave to this question.

Therefore I wish to ask it again: Could you live on €230 a week?

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