Noel Harrington (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
Post Master + County Councillor
residence (town, city, district)
Cork South - West ,
1st preference votes: 6.898, 15,1%, elected
(...) Health, Education, Family Support, - areas that effect everyone, as well as in West Cork. I will work tirelessly to ensure the current status of Bantry Hospital and support and enhance all the Community Hospitals in Clonakilty, Schull, Dunmanway, Skibbereen and Castletownbere. (...)
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Issue economy

Dear Candidate,

What are your top 5 priority objectives for Cork South West, and, if you are elected, how will you achieve each?

Thank you.
answer sent by Noel Harrington
Noel Harrington
Dear ,

My top five priorities are:

1: Regeneration of Rural Coastal communities by supporting initiatives to get our Natural Resources: Farming, Fishing and Tourism and thus create much needed employment in the area. We have wonderful SME´s with wonderful Food Products in West Cork - this must be encouraged and enhanced.

2. Support the reform the Political, Banking and Health System, eliminating waste and making the money saved work in areas most in need: Health, Education, Family Support, - areas that effect everyone, as well as in West Cork. I will work tirelessly to ensure the current status of Bantry Hospital and support and enhance all the Community Hospitals in Clonakilty, Schull, Dunmanway, Skibbereen and Castletownbere.

3. Bring in and support Legislation to make sure that the crisis in the Banking System never ever happens again.

4. Support and promote the Amendment to the Fisheries Bill of 2006 (brought in by Fianna Fail), to de-criminalise Fishermen for minor infringements - and get our Fishing Industry to work for the people of West Cork and Ireland.

5. There is also huge potential for jobs in the IT sector that West Cork could tap into and promote itself as a desirable place to live and work. I have previously called for the region to be connected to the tier one broadband, passing right off the south west coast.

All the above To enhance and improve the lives of those that live, work and visit West Cork.

Kind Regards

Cllr. Noel Harrington.
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Issue financial crisis

Do you intend to continue drawing wage/salery/pension from An Post if you get elected to Dail Eireann?
answer sent by Noel Harrington
Noel Harrington
Your question regarding my role with An Post.

I have a contract with An Post - to operate the Post Office in Castletownbere. This is renewed each year and there is no pension with it. Therefore, I along with most of the Post Offices in the west side of Cork South West - am classed as a Sole Trader / Self Employed. It is up to me to run the Post Office along the guideline outlined by An Post. I subsequently employ staff to run the Post Office in Castletownbere - therefore providing much needed employment in the area. There is no Salary or Pension involved.

Cllr. Noel Harrington,
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