Patrick O´Driscoll (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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Cork-East ,
1st preference votes: 5.030, 8,8%
(...) I do not agree with the current system, but I would argue that those taking the risk of entering politics should have the safety of their job for a 5 year period. I can´t answer on behalf of Enda, but if elected I will be looking for a 5 year limit to be introduced. (...)
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Issue education

l see by your leaflets that you still hold a teachers appointment will you be given this up to make room for a full time teacher to get a job if you get elected?

And if so will Mr Kenny make sure that the rest of TD´s do like wise?
answer sent by Patrick O´Driscoll
Patrick O´Driscoll
Hi ,

I am not a permanent teacher so I will not be keeping my job if elected. I do not agree with the current system, but I would argue that those taking the risk of entering politics should have the safety of their job for a 5 year period. I can´t answer on behalf of Enda, but if elected I will be looking for a 5 year limit to be introduced.


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