Michael Mulcahy (Fianna Fáil)
candidate Dáil election

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residence (town, city, district)
Dublin South - Central ,
1st preference votes: 4.837, 9,5%
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Issue education


I would like to know what your feelings are on how you might work to help improve the Dublin 8 area for children? Also I have just a few questions regarding education in our area...

1. 92% of schools in Ireland are Catholic-run. Yet the huge waiting list for the only multi-denominational school in this area (Portobello Educate Together) shows that local parents want choice. What can you do for us?

2. What is your party’s position on the transition of an existing Catholic school to a multi-denominational school in this area? What will you do to make it happen?

3. What will you do to publicly show your support for the Portobello Educate Together school start up group?

Best of luck with your campaign.

Thank you,


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