Ruairi McGinley (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
Chartered Accountant
residence (town, city, district)
Dublin South - Central ,
1st preference votes: 2.976, 5,8%
(...) I am also available to assist any campaign with Dept of Education to respond to this evident demand for a change in the management ethos of available school buildings in the south city area. (...)
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Issue education


I would like to know what your feelings are on how you might work to help improve the Dublin 8 area for children? Also I have just a few questions regarding education in our area...

1. 92% of schools in Ireland are Catholic-run. Yet the huge waiting list for the only multi-denominational school in this area (Portobello Educate Together) shows that local parents want choice. What can you do for us?

2. What is your party’s position on the transition of an existing Catholic school to a multi-denominational school in this area? What will you do to make it happen?

3. What will you do to publicly show your support for the Portobello Educate Together school start up group?

Best of luck with your campaign.

Thank you,

answer sent by Ruairi McGinley
none yetrecommendations
Ruairi McGinley
1. I am happy to support this school and any expansion plans.
I am also available to assist any campaign with Dept of Education to respond to this evident demand for a change in the management ethos of available school buildings in the south city area.

2. I believe that it is necessary to transition the management of an existing school. I am happy to meet with Dept of Education , school management authorities and church authorities to progress this transition which I regard as a realistic proposition.

3. I have attended support group meetings and am happy to attend further
flag answer as interesting
Issue family

Hi Ruairi,

I have 2 questions to ask you.

I live in Rialto Village and over the boom years a huge disapora of people have now moved in the area, particularly young families. I´d like to know when the area is going to get a playground?? The nearest one to us is in Eamon Ceannt Park, but it is too far to walk with small children and especially on a wet day. There is a huge green space along the canal just up from Herberton Bridge. I know that it is used for football, but there is more than enough room to place a playground there. I know that alot of resdidents kick up a fuss about playgrounds as they attract the young teenagers, however this can always be resolved with respect for the community along with accommodating both the babies, toddlers and the teenagers. Ireland could do with playgrounds for teenagers.

The other question is the number 19 bus! When are TD´s going to stand up to Dublin bus not allow them to take off routes when they feel like it. Removing the 19 would have a catastropic effect on the area, while we have the Luas and they are talking of extending the 122 down in to Rialto Village and extending the 123 to Bulfin road, what about any body from Inchicore or that area who would like to get to the South Circular road, are they expected to get 2 buses?

I do hope that you can address these issues as Rialto is a gorgeous village but it needs a serious influx of care and attention. Some small businesses could be set up in Rialto if people knew that the government where behind. it.

Good luck with the election and I look forward to hearing from you.


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