Chris Andrews (Fianna Fáil)
candidate Dáil election

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residence (town, city, district)
Dublin South - East ,
1st preference votes: 3.922, 11,2%
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Questions to Chris Andrews
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Issue environment

What do you intend to do about the valuable Gas and Oil giveaway by Fianna Fail?

You should be starting measures to regain control of these resources in order that we do not have to be slaves to the EU. Some experts cost this giveaway at trillions of Euros.

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Issue foreign relations

Was your trip to Gaza in work time or your own time and who paid for it - the taxpayer, your party or yourself?

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Issue economy

With the exception of Sean Lemass every fianna fail leader has been an utter disaster for this country. Everything that has befallen us in modern times is as a result of spineless, pot hole filling members of fianna fail. fianna fail have ruined our economy and put our small democracy at risk.

So what inspired you to join fianna fail ?

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Issue emmigration and integration

Are you committed -

1. to combat the crime of trafficking of persons into Ireland?
2. to change the system so that victims of the crime of trafficking are not perceived primarily as a problem of Immigration?
3. to ensure free legal advice is provided in a language understood by the victim?
4. to ensure social assistance is provided in the areas of housing, education, health, and counselling without requiring that the victim acts as a State witness in a criminal trial?
5. to have Ireland enact legislation that criminalises the purchase of sex, the demand for which fuesl sexual exploitation and increases human trafficking

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