Michael Noonan (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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Teachta Dála
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Limerick City
(...) Fine Gael has published policy on both matters recently. (...)
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Issue democracy and civil rights

Please let me know what your party will do for me, my children and grandchildren to fix this country on two points:

1. Put in place a political and government system suitable in size and cost for a democracy of 4.5 million people benchmarked against other small democracies such as Finland,Denmark and New Zealand.

2. Get rid of the massive private bank debts which I and other taxpayers have been made responsible for.

I can accept paying higher taxes to pay off Irish sovereign debt and for efficient public services, but not to pay off private bank debts or for ridiculous pay and pensions to current and retired politicians and senior public sector employees.
answer sent by Michael Noonan
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Michael Noonan
Dear ,

Thank you for taking the time to email Michael Noonan. Fine Gael has published policy on both matters recently. I attach the link to both for your information.



Best wishes.

Fine Gael Team
Campaign 2011
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Issue social protection

Dear Michael,

Is it right, that the legislator with the last Finance Act, wanted to support the insurance industry with the saved money of private pension holders?

example: the limit for taking an ARF instead an annuity was raised to € 18,000.- which ordinary people can´t reach with pensions. Annuities from the industry are based on 5% of the fund value with no consideration of future gains of 3-4% p.a. The life expectancy of an Irishmale is on average 78 years. On a pension fund of € 120,000.- it means 25% tax free lump sum, € 60,000.- in annuities and then after death at 78 the rest to the insurance. The Finance Act has closed the other options except AMRF, where the pension holder has no access until he is 75, which means no supplement to his state pension until then and probably cancelling the private health insurance and are a bigger burden on to the taxpayer.


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