Shane McEntee (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
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Teachta Dála
residence (town, city, district)
Meath East ,
1st preference votes: 8.794, 20,6%, elected
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Questions to Shane McEntee
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Issue education

A chara,

Cén chaoi ina bhfuil tú? Tá mise i mo chonaí sa dáilcheantar ina bhfuil tusa ag seasamh. Is duine óg mé, is vóta mé agus is Gaeilgeoir brodúil mé. Táimse an-buartha faoin bpolasaí atá ar bun ag Fine Gael maidir leis an nGaeilge sa chúrsa Ardteiste. Tá Enda Kenny ag iarraidh fáil réidh leis an nGaeilge mar abhár éigeantach mar cheapann sé go réiteóidh é seo fadhb na Gaeilge sa chóras oideachais. Ach i ndáiríre, is polasaí leisciúil, sotalach atá ann a chaitheann anuas ar ár teanga agus ar Ghaeilgeoirí na tíre. Ní bhaineann an fhadhb leis an riachtanachas, baineann an fhadhb leis an gcaoi ina múintear an teanga agus leis an gcuraclam. Níl ciall ar bith sa pholasaí seo, ní dhéanfaidh sé ach dochar do-chúlaithe dár dteanga.

Má thoghtar thú, an dtacóidh tú leis an nGaeilge a choinneáil mar chroí-abhár don Ardteist?

Is mise,

A chara,

I live in your constituency. I am a young person, I am proud Irish speaker and I am a vote. I am, along with many others, very concerned about Fine Gael´s policy regarding Irish in the Leaving Certificate syllablus. Enda Kenny has released his plans to remove Irish as a compulsory subject from the Leaving Cert, a plan which he seems to think will solve the Irish language problem in the education system. But in all seriousness, when the policy is considered properly, it is a hugely arrogant concept that insults our language and its speakers. The problem lies not with the fact that Irish is a compulsory subject but in its teaching and curriculum. This policy makes absolutley no sense and if implemented, will do irreversable damage to our language.

If you are elected, will you support keeping Irish as a core Leaving Certificate subject?

Is mise,

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Issue social protection

The Fine Gael manifesto says the following:

Supporting Marriage: Fine Gael recognises the value of the family based on the institution of marriage.

Family Law Reform: We will modernise and reform outdated elements of family law.

As there is no further detail, could you please explain what Fine Gael actually mean by these statements?

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