Noel Coonan (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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Teachta Dála
residence (town, city, district)
Tipperary North ,
1st preference votes: 11.425, 23,7%, elected
(...) Regarding your specific query about the National Programme for Supported Employment that is currently administered through FAS; Fine Gael supports this programme and has no plans to remove it. (...)
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Issue employment

I have not heard from Fine Gael on their policy regarding people with disabilities in Ireland. Specifically I am wondering if Fine Gael will continue to support the National Programme for Supported Employment currently administered through FAS. I am sure you are aware of the projects presence in your constituency and the valuable work that the project has achieved. I look forward to your informed response.

answer sent by Noel Coonan
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Noel Coonan

Thank you for your email. Please see below Fine Gael´s policy regarding people with diabilities for your information.

Regarding your specific query about the National Programme for Supported Employment that is currently administered through FAS; Fine Gael supports this programme and has no plans to remove it.

Fine Gael will ensure that the quality of life for people with disabilities is enhanced and that resources allocated reach the people who need them. To achieve this, we must reform the delivery of public service to bring about the back room savings that will protect front line services

Income Support: We will retain disability and blind payments at the current rate. Fine Gael will also facilitate people with disabilities in achieving a greater level of participation in employment, training and education.

Personal Budgets: Fine Gael will give adults and children with disabilities and their families the option of needs-based Personal Care Budgets so that they have much greater choice and control over the services they need. Personal budgets introduce greater transparency and efficiency in funding so that service providers only get paid for the services they deliver.

8.2 International Obligations

UN Convention: In order to make sure that the legislation on decision making is clear and that the rights of people with disabilities are protected and promoted, Fine Gael will update the mental capacity legislation as quickly as possible to allow for the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

8.3 Improved Services for People with Disabilities

Disability Strategy: Following consultation with all stakeholders, Fine Gael will publish a realistic implementation plan for the National Disability Strategy, including the Disability Act, EPSEN Act and sectoral plans, which will include achievable timescales and targets. We will ensure whole-of-government involvement and monitoring of the Strategy, in partnership with the disability sector.

Irish Sign Language: Fine Gael will examine different mechanisms to enhance the recognition of Irish Sign Language.

Standards and Inspection: Fine Gael will ensure that national standards apply to residential services for adults and children with disabilities and that these are independently inspected by the Health Information and Quality Authority.

Transparency: Fine Gael will ensure that money spent on disability services under the National Disability Strategy will be clearly laid out and audited.

Universal Design: In planning legislation, Fine Gael will promote and support universal design whereby all environments can be used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of age, ability or disability.

, I hope the above information addresses your queries. Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Noel Coonan T.D.
Tipperary North
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