Andrew Doyle (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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Teachta Dála
residence (town, city, district)
Wicklow ,
1st preference votes: 10.035, 14,2%, elected
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Questions to Andrew Doyle
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Issue employment

Hi Andrew

Can you tell me how to lobby for the full stamp to be paid if one is a sole trader or director (self employed stamp) - its a killer that there are few benefits available if you have to close down your business. Whether Doctor, Solicitor, Crafts Person or Service - if you were off sick through illness there is no Illness Benefit or Job Seekers Benefit available and no Job Seekers Allowance is means tested. If you were wise enough to pay into an Illness Insurance this would still not cover illness (like heart attack) as this insurance nearly requires you to be joking!

If this country believes that the only way out of this mess is to be self employed and we hear alot of "entreupreneurship is the way out of this mess"- well it seems that it is a push by the current and proposed govt to get everyone off the live register or benefits and never return!

What is your view on this?

I missed you when you called into our estate in Pebble Bay.

ALSO - can you ask WWCoCo when are the roads section going to finish off the boundry wall of our estate onto Friars Hill? This was part of the Town Relieft Road plan which was opened to all guns and glory last summer! The developer is handing over the estate to the council in 3 months time and this is not in his remit. I have been on to Conor Page in planning and he says that he has asked roads section but it really needs YOU to follow this up - please!!

Cheers, I look forward to hearing back on those two issues, one local and one a general issue.

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Issue economy

Will you work to hold back the pension of bertie ahern and his cronies until they reach the age of 65 like all the other citizens of our country ?

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