Billy Godfrey Timmins (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
Army officer
Teachta Dála
residence (town, city, district)
Wicklow ,
1st preference votes: 9.165, 13,0%, elected
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Issue defense


As I understand you are a retired officer in the Defence Forces. what is Fine Gaels plans on the Budget of the Defence Forces.

I myself am in the RDF and our budget is no where near sufficient enough. The numbers of troops are at an all time low and it has come down to people getting into the RDF based on whether there are any spare uniforms. I do understand the PDF must be prioritized, however the RDF will never be able to aspire to the level of the PDF if we have insufficient funds and troops to do so.

Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.


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Issue economy

Will you work to hold back the pension of bertie ahern and his cronies until they reach the age of 65 like all the other citizens of our country ?

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