Eamon Ryan (Green Party)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
BA Commerce, UCD
Teachta Dála
residence (town, city, district)
Dublin 2
Dublin South ,
1st preference votes: 4.929, 6,8%
(...) The Green Party is opposed to the two-tier health system which has evolved in the last number of years and if returned to office, we would seek to implement a universal health system. This would also involve an overhaul of the HSE, which should see an end to the moratorium on front-line services and deliver a more effective, patient-focussed system. You can find more about our plans for Ireland´s health system in our manifesto at www.vote.greenparty.ie . (...)
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Issue traffic and infrastructure

Just wondering what are you views on car tax and insurance, I personally am in favour of lower road tax and higher fuel taxes as a lot of older people especially in the countryside drive only weekly and are very penalised by high car taxes. I also believe strongly that leaders should do just that and lead and I am left to wonder why the one green party election car I saw (picture taken, no place here to attach it) had neither tax or insurance.

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Issue education

Hi Eamon,

During one of your many TV appearances during the campaign, you mentioned an education initiative whereby people are trained to build ecommerce web sites and then sent out to the community to offer their services to retailers, and SME´s.

Can you tell me where I can find out more about this?

Good luck tomorrow.

Best regards,
answer sent by Eamon Ryan
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Eamon Ryan

Many thanks for your question.

I worked, as Communications Minister, with the Digital Hub to set up this scheme. It is called the Web Activate Programme. It takes young people off the Live Register, trains them in new internet technologies and then places them in companies for work experience.

I think you´ll agree it´s a worthy initiative. One of my objectives if returned to office is to scale up this programme from the current 2,000 people involved to 20,000.

You´ll find out more at www.webactivate.ie .

Thanks for your good wishes,

Eamon Ryan TD
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