Thomas Pringle (Independent)
candidate Dáil election

year of birth
professional qualification
residence (town, city, district)
Donegal South - West ,
1st preference votes: 5.845, 13,5%, elected
Questions to Thomas Pringle
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Issue education

Thomas, a chara,

What is your stance on Fine Gael´s policy of making Irish an optional subject for the Leaving Cert? I along with many others believe that this policy would sound the death knell of the Irish Language. As a candidate standing in one of the strongest Gaeltacht regions in Ireland, it is important that you have a clear position on this as not only is the language a central part of our heritage and our identity as a nation but also, much employment in your constituency is supported by the language(Údarás na Gaeltachta, Summer Colleges etc). Gaeltacht organisations are advocating that the reform of the Irish Curriculum is the way forward not the wholesale jettisoning of our heritage.

For more info on this subject see

Is mise le meas,

Éamonn Mac

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