Our stated mission and vision is as follows.
"The Christian Solidarity Party is dedicated to the causes of Life, the Family and the Community. The CSP promotes policies that safeguard the value of human life from conception to natural death, that support the position of the family as the fundamental unit group of society, and that allow human communities to flourish in a manner consistent with human dignity."
In the context of the category under which candidate watch informs me the question has been put, may I add that under the Christian Social principle of subsidiarity we support transferring powers away from central government to local government insofar as is practicable.
We further support the introduction of popular initiative referendums which we feel would have long ago put the brakes on the political gravy train which gives politicians multiples of what most would regard as a reasonable annual income. It was the ability of the Icelandic people to petition for a referendum which allowed them to escape the clutches of the bankers and emerge out of recession in just a couple of years.
We oppose the recent erosion of civil liberties which, amongst other things, allows innocent people to be held for up to a week at a time. The rights to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and freedom of association have also been curtailed by the civil partnership act and incitement to hatred legislation. These acts seek to prevent people expressing disagreement with certain behaviours, and forcing people who work as photographers, caterers, registrars hoteliers etc into endorsing and facilitating behaviour they find objectionable or give up their constitutional right to earn a living.
Regardless of what restrictions you wish to place on public servants, (and I would maintain that workers rights to conscienscious objection should be respected unless it refers to something which was in the job description before they accepted the post), interfering in the private sector to this extent is a gross infringement on people´s personal freedoms.
Thank you for your enquiry
Manus Mac Meanmain