Paul Connaughton Jnr (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

year born
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residence (town, city, district)
Ballnlass, Mountbellew
Galway East ,
1st preference votes: 7.255, 12,2%, elected
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Questions to Paul Connaughton Jnr
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In relation to a recent statement from Fine Gael HQ, which included:

"The Party has firmly committed to overhauling animal welfare legislation which is outdated and has not been dealt with by the last Government despite protestations that animal welfare was a priority",

(a) how can Fine Gael justify a contradictory statement which states: "The Fine Gael Party manifesto outlines the Party’s position on stag hunting, which is to reverse the ban".

(b) will you explain how your party can protest that animal welfare is a priority and still support a cruel stag-hunt which terrorises an animal for the pleasure of humans?

(c) will you make representations to Enda Kenny to NOT repeal the ban introduced by the Fianna Fáil/Green Party coalition?

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