Madeline McAleer (Independent)
candidate Dáil election

year of birth
professional qualification
Director of
residence (town, city, district)
Ennis, Co. Clare
Clare ,
1st preference votes: 428, 0,7%
personal website
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Issue health

Dear Madeline,

firstly I would like to say thank you for putting yourself forward as a candidate. I did not think Pat Kenny gave you any opportunities last night to say what you needed to say. I thought he was a bit dismissive!

Anyway,as I struggle to decide on who to vote for this Friday, I would like to hear what you have to say in relation to the:

1. Current workings of the HSE and the solutions required to provide a equitable system for all (big question, not expecting the answer, but who would you consult on this?)
2. Human rights at a national and local level, discrimination, disadvantage as a result of inadequate system for people with disabilities to access education, employment and independent life styles.
3. Providing adequate wheelchair and seating services nationally and locally
4. Occupational therapy or Speech & Language therapy department in the regional hospital in Limerick does not exist - it is the only hospital in the country that does not have this.
5. Utilising academic institution to create an agenda for action research which will have a mandate to be actioned.

I am a lecturer and researcher at the University of Limerick.

That´s enough for now, thank you for setting up this site. Please give me a ring if you can or call in for a cup of tea, I´m on the Kilrush road.

Kind regards


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