Neville Bradley (Independent)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
Fire Officer of St. James\' Hospital
residence (town, city, district)
Dublin South - Central ,
1st preference votes: 323, 0,6%
(...) Firstly, the most important thing we can give our children is a safe environment where they can play safely free from crime and drugs misuse. The importance of funding children´s needs early can not be underestimated, funding for clubs and study/play groups is essential. One of the best presents we can give our children growing up is to fund creches in the work place to allow children to stay close to their parents. (...)
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Issue democracy and civil rights

As a voter I am disinclined to give my support to a single party who have combined to sell out the people for the institutionalisation of class preference of the super rich.

Therefore I intend to give my vote to non party candidates who wish to challenge the current disasterous (for the ordinary citizen) consensus. What is your platform and why should I give you my vote?
answer sent by Neville Bradley
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Neville Bradley
Hi ,

Thank you for the question, I´m just as disillusioned as the rest of the electorate with the current political system, hence the reason I´m standing in the Election. It´s time for ordinary citizens to reclaim our democracy. Political party´s use the whip system to ensure their T.D´s follow the party line, this may not always be in the best interest of their constituents. The current political party system needs reform so that elected T.D’s can best represent their constituent’s and that of the Irish people without the fear of a backlash from their party or their vested interests.

Fine Gale and Labour both voted for the Finance bill which allowed this draconian budget to be made into law knowing it was going to hurt the most venerable people in our society. It is quite hypocritical for them to then look for the support of the people that has been hurt the most by their action.

I blame opposition party´s for not insisting on having the three outstanding bye elections, failure to do so allowed Fine Fail/Greens to stay in power against the will of the people. The opposition should have refused to take their seats in the Dail and stood at the gates of Leinster House if necessary, to embarrass the Government into calling the three outstanding Bye elections. We wouldn´t have Nama or the bank bailouts if this happened.

Political party´s are spending millions to try and win your vote for more of the same old rhetoric. Every lamp post is full of posters costing €8 each, there are posters costing hundreds of thousands of Euro strapped to poles all over Ireland at a time when families can hardly survive. If political party´s were serious about change they would have spent their advertising millions helping the 20,000 families who had their electricity cut off, the familys that lost their homes or given the money to the saint Vincent de Paul or homeless.

I am standing up against the political party system and I am encouraging voters to take what might be our last opportunity to reform this outdated political system and replace it with a National Government that pools together the most gifted representatives for the grater good of all Citizens.

Our politicians must take accountability for the actions they take on our behalf. Tribunals are a waste of time and money, the Criminal Asset Bureau should be suitably resourced to enable it to investigate the circumstances that has lead to the worst financial crises to unstable this Country since the foundation of the State

I want to thank and all of the other Social network sites for giving Independent candidates the opportunity to express our views. I issued a press release to all the main news media and all I got back were phone calls asking if I wanted to pay for an add in their paper.

The reason you should consider voting for me is that, if elected I would be immensely honoured to represent you, I will take full responsibility for the actions I would take on your behalf. I am passionate about my Country and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that we all survive this crises and all live in a fare and equitable society as enshrined in our Constitution.

Kind Regards
Neville Bradley
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Issue democracy and civil rights

Hi Neville,

I find myself in the same boat as Sarah, I do not want to vote for any party in this election and will therefore look at independent candidates.

My question is what realistically can you change if elected; can you get the supported needed to reform the political system?

And what would you have done differently to avert the crisis?

answer sent by Neville Bradley
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Neville Bradley
Hi ,

My apologies for not answering your question sooner. Independent T.D´s can get the support needed to reform this inadequate political system, the complacency out there at the moment will mean that no one political party will get an overall majority and they will need the support of Independent T.D´s. The first thing I will do when elected is that I would meet with every other Independent T.D and demonstrate that ALL Independent T.D´s need to form an Independent alliance where we agree a programme for Government that we can unanimously sign up to. If any of the mainstream Political Party´s need the support of Independents to get into Government and their programme for Government is acceptable then Independent T.D´s as one alliance and with one programme for Government will do whats best for the Citizens of this Country and not any of the usual vested interests. In essence, the beginning of a National Government were T.D´s vote and work together in the best interests of its Citizens. Don´t forget that even under the current system, Independent T.D´s can form a technical working group and have speaking rights.

What I would have done differently to avert the crisis is that I would have encouraged the opposition to have refused to take their seats in the Dáil and stand at the gates of Leinster House if necessary, to embarrass the Government into calling the three outstanding Bye elections. We wouldn´t have Nama or the bank bailouts if this happened. I would have attended the Dail every day unlike a lot of Deputies and been as vocal as possible to expose the hypocrisy for the Government and I would have embarrassed them into doing what was the right thing. So I blame the opposition party´s and the failures of the existing system to a certine extent for not been able to stop the most unpopular Government since the foundation of the state.

We need a proper Dail were we actually debate the important issues and hold our Ministers to account, we have to reduce Politicians wages and Holidays and increase their hours, work load and accountability. Unvouched expenses must be stopped immediately

Kind Regards And Thank you for your question.

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Issue education


I would like to know what your feelings are on how you might work to help improve the Dublin 8 area for children? Also I have just a few questions regarding education in our area...

1. 92% of schools in Ireland are Catholic-run. Yet the huge waiting list for the only multi-denominational school in this area (Portobello Educate Together) shows that local parents want choice. What can you do for us?

2. What is your party’s position on the transition of an existing Catholic school to a multi-denominational school in this area? What will you do to make it happen?

3. What will you do to publicly show your support for the Portobello Educate Together school start up group?

Best of luck with your campaign.

Thank you,

answer sent by Neville Bradley
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Neville Bradley
Hi Sue,

Apologies for not getting to answer question sooner.

Firstly, the most important thing we can give our children is a safe environment where they can play safely free from crime and drugs misuse. The importance of funding children´s needs early can not be underestimated, funding for clubs and study/play groups is essential. One of the best presents we can give our children growing up is to fund creches in the work place to allow children to stay close to their parents.

1. I strongly believe that Parents and children have the right to be educated in accordance with their customs and beliefs, this is a fundamental right in our Constitution. Irish society has transformed to such an extent that some families feel unrepresented and there is an argument for the Department of Education taking over the running of schools to ensure that all children and customs are represented equally

2. As an independent I represent you directly and not a Political Party, if the Department of Education took over the running of National Schools from the Church it would help to encourage all students from all beliefs to attend.

3. If I am elected I would use whatever influence I had to support any consituent that needs my help, I would lobby the Minister for Education on your behalf. let me know what else you think I could for do.

Thank you for taking the time to ask me your question.


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