Paul King (Independent)
candidate Dáil election

year born
professional qualification
Graduate of GMIT and the Dublin Business School
Business Owner
residence (town, city, district)
Dublin South - Central ,
1st preference votes: 146, 0,3%
(...) In relation to your question all I have is my personal view which I´m not fighting this election on. I hope you understand my position, as an Independent candidate I feel I can only have one issue to work on. If elected all I can say is I will make a difference in this one area of "accountability". (...)
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Issue democracy and civil rights

I should vote for you because....?
answer sent by Paul King
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Paul King
Hi Miss ,

I´m fighting this election as an Independent candidate on one main national issue, we need to clean up our government, banks and systems. The International community must have confidence in Ireland so that we may have a real future. If we can return confidence in Ireland, and grow our economy then this will positively impact all of us.

In order to have any chance I need to try and get one message across. I hope you understand my position, as an Independent candidate I feel I can only have one issue to work on. If elected all I can say is I will make a difference in this one area of "accountability".


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Issue education

Dear Mr King,

My name is and I live in Inchicore. I am as yet still undecided on the direction my vote will take next week. My main concern is which party will do the most for Education.

I am a qualified Secondary School Science and Biology Teacher who cannot find full time employment. I am currently working as a receptionist answering phones after 5 years of university and am currently undertaking a part-time course to help make myself more employable.

In an era when the Government are spouting terms like "Smart Economy" whilst cutting Teacher and SNA numbers and increasing class sizes I want to know what Labours policy will be?

I have had calls to the door from members of campaigns for all parties and they all say they will increase Teacher numbers but they stutter when they are asked where they will find the funds. Could you answer this for me?

Also where do you stand on the issue of TD´s still holding their permanent teaching positions whilst newly qualified Teachers are being shipped the UK, The UAE, Australia and many more countries that prefer the Irish teaching qualification to their own!

And further more, what would your opinion and action be toward retired Teachers being brought in to substitute whilst receiving their nice juicy pension AND the fantastic rate for qualified substitute Teachers?

These issues are what really will sway my vote and the votes in my house hold as they have seen the amount of work I have put in to my studies, first to become a Biochemist (where there were no jobs) and now to become a teacher (where there seems to be even less jobs). There are also members of my family now in the education system and we are really interested in whether the next Government will actually get the proverbial finger out and just do something about it!

Thank you for taking the time to read my email and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best of Luck with the rest of your campaign.

Kindest Regards,

answer sent by Paul King
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Paul King
Hi Miss ,

I’m fighting this election as an Independent candidate on one main national issue, we need to clean up our government, banks and systems. The International community must have confidence in Ireland so that we may have a real future. If we can return confidence in Ireland, and grow our economy then this will positively impact all of us.

In order to have any chance I need to try and get one message across. In relation to your questions all I have is my personal view which I’m not fighting this election on. I hope you understand my position, as an Independent candidate I feel I can only have one issue to work on. If elected all I can say is I will make a difference in this one area of "accountability”.


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Issue justice

What is your policy on abortion?
answer sent by Paul King
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Paul King
Hello Mr. ,

I´m fighting this election as an Independent candidate on one main national issue, we need to clean up our government, banks and systems. The International community must have confidence in Ireland so that we may have a real future. If we can return confidence in Ireland, and grow our economy then this will positively impact all of us.

In order to have any chance I need to try and get one message across. In relation to your question all I have is my personal view which I´m not fighting this election on. I hope you understand my position, as an Independent candidate I feel I can only have one issue to work on. If elected all I can say is I will make a difference in this one area of "accountability".


Paul King
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Issue electoral system


Got your flyer today. Get your analogy on feisty dogs and government.

I have a 9, going on 10, year old West Hyland terrier (Lulu) whose expert in every ´poo´ category. Dog, deer, cat, pigeon, swan, fox - you name it - she´s done it. As well as knowing the times its feasible to slip away silently to treat herself to, yet another mud bath she knows she´s not supposed to take, she also sussed out early-on when to whine, when to fake a sore paw when she´s being pushed to move an A-to-B direction she doesn´t want to go, when to lay blame at a dog-mates door for a mess she either stood by and watched happening or played an equal part in making.

Lulu´s 2nd most clever political tactic is the "deaf ear" tactic. While her ears work just fine when it comes to hearing the rattle of a McVities digestive biscuit packet from 500 paces, the same ears fail her completely at a mere 100 paces on days she´s turned the inch I´ve given her into a mile. Respectful dog that she is, she turns her head the direction she´s being called with a quizzical look on her face that reads "is somebody calling me - I can´t hear you from here - I´d obey if I knew what you were asking - speak up, why don´t you". Lulu´s cleverest political tactic is to obey a command to return at 1 mile an hour, hence the 15 second walk to the bath tub can take 5 minutes.

My view is that every politician in every party currently in government gets away with behaving like Lulu.

You´ve got my vote. My question:

As the ´new boy´ hoping to enter the ranks of a ´fire-fighting´ government, who do you want to work with? Colleagues who have first hand experience of working on a management team that is being assigned blame for things it had power to change and things it had no power to influence, or colleagues with little or no baggage and thus, a clean slate - colleagues with no proven track record in the luxurious position at present of being "hurlers on the ditch"?

Good luck with the canvassing.

answer sent by Paul King
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Paul King
Hello ,

You know the behavioral tendencies of dogs quiet well and by extension those of political parties too. Thanks for your vote I promise it won’t be wasted regardless of the result. Like dogs political parties have a good nose for votes and if a strong vote is given to an independent with a national interest issue, then this issue will soon become part of Government thinking.

In answer to your questions

If elected I would like to align myself with maybe one well seasoned independent, and example would be Shane Ross. However may I just say, I’m a good self started and can work well in groups or on my own. The reason I say this is because if others don’t wish to help it won’t deter me from my task. I would work with people from both inside and outside government ranks, civil servants, and banks but not with those that have a case to answer.

My plan would look like this.


* Within one year have all bank boards cleaned of members that predate the Sep. 2008 blanket guarantee.
* Within two years have all senior management linked with implementing lending policy in the banks sacked or at the very least reallocated to junior roles with little or no decision making powers.
* Within two years have all senior civil servants linked to regulating the banks sacked or at the very least reallocated to junior roles with little or no decision making powers.
* Charges being brought against those on all sides with cases to answer, by year end.

The Bonds

* All maturing bonds would be reviewed by a committee, this committee would have a real public interest chairperson, and members.
* The bonds would be considered from the point of view of the national interest.
* All payments on all bonds would be openly scrutinised prior to payments being made, with all decisions made in the national interest.

Following The Plan

* The plan would have real milestones and target dates publicly set. These dates would not be "within 5 years as part of our 6 step plan” but constantly being achieved on a weekly and monthly basis.
* The citizens being asked to pay for this disaster deserve no less.

The Goals

* Allow the Irish people and the world see that real action is being taken to solve the problems, and that those responsible are being held to account.
* Future safeguards and deterrents are in place so that we never find ourselves here again.
* Restore confidence internationally in Ireland and help start a real recovery, with inward investment and jobs.
* Restore or international credit rating within 5 years or less.

I’m not on a witch-hunt but the world is watching and we need to be seen to do the right thing, and right now I don’t see any party willing to truly do what needs to be done.


Paul King

  • 353 (0) 86 3190 705
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Issue electoral system

Thanks for the reply Paul. One last question - would you be in favour or against a degree course, not diploma course - mind, being introduced that any person seeking to serve in government at national level would be obliged to have under his/her belt to put him/herself forward for election?

Think you´re on the right track - will be passing your reply and flyer to friends who, like myself, feel this election is not about picking the top-dog in a group of high-performers - its about closing your eyes, running around in a circle, and pinning a tail on whatever donkey party you happen to hit on....!

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