John Kearney (Independent)
candidate Dáil election

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Cork South - West
(...) There is very little understanding of what difficulty’s existing small businesses are facing. Until we tackle the existing challenges, it is going to be difficult to encourage new business start ups. Yes it is national issues, but solutions are going to come from the community’s. (...)
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Issue financial crisis

HOW Independant are you? and what qualifications do you have to be our local Dail Representative? REMEMBER "rank amateurs" have broken this Country..
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I have been involved in business for almost twenty years in the South West. We need more self employed business people that will help with job creation. There is very little understanding of what difficulty’s existing small businesses are facing. Until we tackle the existing challenges, it is going to be difficult to encourage new business start ups. Yes it is national issues, but solutions are going to come from the community’s. I am and will continue to create jobs in Cork South West area. I have never been involved or been at any party gathering, my back ground has been working with community groups.

Yours Truly

John Kearney
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