Lucinda Creighton (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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Teachta Dála
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Dublin 4
Dublin South - East
  • We will also restructure the Irish Aid Programme to ensure stricter funding criteria and to introduce a quality standard mark for aid delivery in Programme countries.
  • We will use the leverage that Ireland gains through our aid programme to encourage and support democratic development and respect for human rights in the countries of the developing world.
  • We will support partner Governments and civil societies in their fight against corruption.
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Issue democracy and civil rights

Please let me know what your party will do for me, my children and grandchildren to fix this country on two points:

1. Put in place a political and government system suitable in size and cost for a democracy of 4.5 million people benchmarked against other small democracies such as Finland, Denmark and New Zealand.

2. Get rid of the massive private bank debts which I and other taxpayers have been made responsible for.

I can accept paying higher taxes to pay off Irish sovereign debt and for efficient public services, but not to pay off private bank debts or for ridiculous pay and pensions to current and retired politicians and senior public sector employees.
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Lucinda Creighton

Many thanks for your query.

My priorities for political change in the next Dáil will be for fully vouched expenses for all politicians and also to end the obscene pensions for politicians and others who have benefited too much at the tax payer’s expense. Fine Gael will hold a referendum, if in Government, to reduce the number of TDs by 20 and to abolish the Seanad. This will reduce the number of politicians by 35%. Furthermore, I believe that by abolishing and merging local authorities, we will have less councillors who will have more powers and greater accountability. Another of my priorities is to advocate reform of the electoral system to deal with localism which is so prevalent in the Irish political system.

Fine Gael will reduce the budget deficit by 3% by 2014. Our goal is to bring the current account (revenue minus current spending) into surplus by 2016 i.e. we will only borrow to invest. Unless the deficit is brought under control, interest costs will cripple Ireland.

Under a Fine Gael Government tax increases will constitute at most one-third of our measures to reduce the deficit, with any tax increases focused on areas which have a minimal impact on jobs. We will not increase income tax, the 12.5% rate of corporation tax or employer’s PRSI. We will, however, either eliminate or restrict all of the tax shelters and tax exemptions that allow the better off to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

Kind regards

Lucinda Creighton TD
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Issue democracy and civil rights


I would just like to know where you stand on LGBT rights and Gay Marriage.

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Issue education

Hi Lucinda

Do you think that the much mooted tax on sunbeds is justifiable?

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Issue emmigration and integration

Dear Lucinda,

I am interested to hear FG view on the aid budget. Recently when I was at a debate a FG member stated that we will keep the aid budget on the agenda and send all unemployed people to work in Africa. If this is FG opinion on aid it has me worried. Also I am interested to hear will development education be kept on the agenda.

Finally I am also interested on your policy for migrants particulary around the issue of re-entry visa.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
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Lucinda Creighton

Many thanks for your query

Our policies for Overseas Development Aid are reflected in the general election manifesto which Fine Gael recently published. I include the detailed provisions on this matter below:

  • We will review the implementation of the 2006 White Paper on Irish Aid with a view to addressing shortcomings and to build on successes.
  • We will establish a Civilian Corps, which could include job seekers to use and share their skills in developing countries while retaining job seekers benefit.
  • We will also restructure the Irish Aid Programme to ensure stricter funding criteria and to introduce a quality standard mark for aid delivery in Programme countries.
  • We will use the leverage that Ireland gains through our aid programme to encourage and support democratic development and respect for human rights in the countries of the developing world.
  • We will support partner Governments and civil societies in their fight against corruption.

I presume the establishment of a Civilian Corp for those on Jobseekers Benefit is the point to which you refer to.

With regard to migration issues, Fine Gael will bring into force comprehensive reforms dealing with immigration, residency and asylum issues in general. These will include provision of a statutory appeals system to ensure we comply with best international standards and bring to an end the enormous waste of public funds resulting from delays in processing applications and expensive court actions taken against the state.

Fine Gael also intends to deal with the issue of visitor visas. We will explore the possibility of a new agreement on visitor visas with the UK, offering tourists the opportunity to visit the UK and Ireland with one visa, at a reasonable cost. Ireland loses out on tourists from markets outside the EU because of unnecessary red tape. A new visa agreement with the UK would allow us to tap into the tourism market for significant events such as the forthcoming London 2012 Olympics.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

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Issue emmigration and integration

Are you committed -

1. to combat the crime of trafficking of persons into Ireland?
2. to change the system so tha victims of the crime of trafficking are not perceived primarily as a problem of Immigration?
3. to ensure free legal advice is provided in a language understood by the victim?
4. to ensure social assistance is provided in the areas of housing, education, health, and counselling without requiring that the victim acts as a State witness in a criminal trial?
5. to have Ireland enact legislation that criminalises the purchase of sex, the demand for which fuesl sexual exploitation and increases human trafficking
answer sent by Lucinda Creighton
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Lucinda Creighton
Dear Donal

Many thanks for your recent email in relation to Human Trafficking. This is an issue that, as Fine Gael Spokesperson on Immigration, Integration and Equality, I am very aware of. I have been liaising with the Immigrant Council on a regular basis and have raised this matter on a number of times in the Dáil.

I attach speeches I gave on the Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill 2010: Second Stage (Resumed) (6 Oct 2010) and on International Human Trafficking: Motion (Resumed) (18 Nov 2009). Both these speeches outline my views on this matter and the need for legislation.

I will continue to do what I can in this regard. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any point if you have further queries.

Kind regards

Lucinda Creighton TD
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