Tom Kelleher (Musterpartei)
candidate Dáil election

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Councillor/Primary School principal
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Dublin North
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Issue democracy and civil rights

Please let me know what your party will do for me, my children and grandchildren to fix this country on two points:

1. Put in place a political and government system suitable in size and cost for a democracy of 4.5 million people benchmarked against other small democracies such as Finland,Denmark and New Zealand.

2. Get rid of the massive private bank debts which I and other taxpayers have been made responsible for.

I can accept paying higher taxes to pay off Irish sovereign debt and for efficient public services, but not to pay off private bank debts or for ridiculous pay and pensions to current and retired politicians and senior public sector employees.

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Issue education

A Tom, a chara,

Cén chaoi ina bhfuil tú? Tá mise i mo chonaí sa dáilcheantar ina bhfuil tusa ag seasamh. Is duine óg mé, is vóta mé agus is Gaeilgeoir brodúil mé. Táimse an-buartha faoin bpolasaí atá ar bun ag Fine Gael maidir leis an nGaeilge sa chúrsa Ardteiste. Tá Enda Kenny ag iarraidh fáil réidh leis an nGaeilge mar abhár éigeantach mar cheapann sé go réiteóidh é seo fadhb na Gaeilge sa chóras oideachais. Ach i ndáiríre, is polasaí leisciúil, sotalach atá ann a chaitheann anuas ar ár teanga agus ar Ghaeilgeoirí na tíre. Ní bhaineann an fhadhb leis an riachtanachas, baineann an fhadhb leis an gcaoi ina múintear an teanga agus leis an gcuraclam. Níl ciall ar bith sa pholasaí seo, ní dhéanfaidh sé ach dochar do-chúlaithe dár dteanga.

Má thoghtar thú, an dtacóidh tú leis an nGaeilge a choinneáil mar chroí-abhár don Ardteist?

Is mise,

note of the editor: use google translate for translation to English.

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