John Pluto Hyland (Independent)

year of birth
professional qualification
residence (town, city, district)
Dublin - Central ,
1st preference votes: 77, 0,2%
(...) 1. Like many irish i have been contemplating leaving my own country ( as my father had to do before me in early 60´s) but I decided I couldn´t do that without at least giving a good fight first. I see the parties all waffling along the same lines and no creative or alternative proposals being put forth. (...)
Questions to John Pluto Hyland
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Issue democracy and civil rights

1. Why are you running, as a candidate, in this General Election?

2. In 2009 The Irish Times reported that ´Technology ´could save H.S.E. Millions´ if an Electronic Patient Record System was introduced. Why is it that we do not have an Electronic Patient Record System in Ireland?

3. Why has electronic counting of votes not been introduced in this country?

4. Why will people in Ireland die, due to lack of access to healthcare, when the Government continues to pour BILLIONS of Euro into a bankrupt and corrupt banking system?

5. Why is Recycling theated as WASTE? Why is it that Dublin City Council ALLOWS people, in Dublin Central, to dump their rubbish, at will, on City Streets?

6. If elected will you fight against WASTE! incineration in Ireland?
answer sent by John Pluto Hyland
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John Pluto Hyland
1. Like many irish i have been contemplating leaving my own country ( as my father had to do before me in early 60´s) but I decided I couldn´t do that without at least giving a good fight first. I see the parties all waffling along the same lines and no creative or alternative proposals being put forth.
I worked hard to find solutions to this country´s ills and worked hard to write it all up as well as possible, and I believe these ideas and proposals could save this country.
I think the people of Dublin central and the people of ireland deserve honest normal working people with the desire and capabilities to fight to take a seat in this government and bring some common sense to the table.
Thats why I am running.

2. That is a minor part of a much larger problem. Ireland´s health system needs a complete overhaul, vast improvements. Its also important we wipe out privitisation and implement a one tier system for equal access to all.
Ever think about this?: The politicians cutting your healthcare are the same politicians (and their families) availing of private hospitals and the best private health insurance ALL PAID from their salaries paid by the very same people who´s healthcare they are cutting?
Is that a sick Irony?

3. That actually might not be a bad thing. It could perhaps be abused fraudulently.
We need not worry about the small monies spent on accurate counting of ballots, we need worry about the HUNDREDS of billions wasted and stolen!

4. Perhaps because the people of Ireland will continue to vote the same ol´ crony parties into power?
You see the fear-mongering against voting independent?
And the lack of equal coverage?
I´ve had not one serious enquiry into my manifesto, just short buzz-joke referrals in newsopapers. This is democracy?
The only democracy in this country it seems is the democracy you can buy.

5. This is more of a social problem.
When you see parents throwing their waste and cigarette pack wrappings on street in front of their children, what do you think those children will grow up to do?
We need a slow change of social conciousness.

6. If elected I will fight for my constituents in every respect they request that is reasonable and righteous, I will also fight for what I see or my constituents see as needs or changes at the national level.
Only in that way can I fully meet the responsibilities instilled in me by those who may vote for me.
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