Christy Burke (Independent)
candidate Dáil election

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Dublin - Central
Hi no to all. (...)
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Issue traffic and infrastructure

I´d like to know your opinion on the continuing plan to build the new Childrens hospital on grounds near the Mater Hospital.
answer sent by Christy Burke
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I support this development all the way I am on a group with local residents in the area and they too support the project .

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Issue economy


like it or loathe it, this is the number one issue for the vast majority of voters is the Economy and I would like to know your views on the the following;

1. Are you in support of cutting public spending?

2. Possibly renegotiating the Croke Park agreement?

3. Are you for increases in income tax?

4. Are you for political reform? If so how? Do you really think we need 166 TD´s and would you be for or against the abolition of the senate?
answer sent by Christy Burke
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Hi no to all.
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Issue family

1. Will you support the division of Child Benefit in proportion to who is caring for the child/children?

2. Will you support Parental Equality (the equal treatment of Fathers and Mothers as parents)?

3. Will you support making unmarried fathers automatic guardians of their children as in an unmarried mother?

4. Will you support to retain the current legal position, fathers and mothers who are guardians of their children act JOINTLY accordance with Section 6 of the Guardianship of Infants Act 1964.

5. Will you the support the insistence that all Family Law hearings are digitally recorded with the equipment which is already paid for by taxpayers monies and installed in the courts buildings?

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Issue financial crisis

Christy thank you for answering my previous question. I would like to know how you plan to balance the budget if you are as you said against cuts in public the public service, against renegotiating Croke Park, against increase income tax and against political reform?

Where is the €3 billion adjustment needed going to come from. I would like to vote independent but refuse vote for somebody who runs solely on local issues, because local politics have us in the state we´re in and we now have a national crisis and need people willing to tackle national issues, so apologies if I seem sort it is not my intent but I want to know what your economic policy is?

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