Peadar Tóibín (Sinn Féin)
candidate Dáil election

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Senior Consultant, réalt* Consulting
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Meath West
All SF workers, including TDs, only receive the average industrial wage. Our policy is to reduce Ministers salaries by 40% and TDs by 20%. (...)
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Issue public sector

How would you, as well as your party, respond to TDs receiving the average industrial wage as an annual income (and severe limiting of expenses) in order to contribute to meaningful social equity?
answer sent by Peadar Tóibín
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Reply to question,

All SF workers, including TDs, only receive the average industrial wage. Our policy is to reduce Ministers salaries by 40% and TDs by 20%. With regard to expenses SF are the only party in the Dáil, that opposed the current expenses regime introduced by Charlie McCreevy. FG, Labour and the Greens all backed this expenses policy. We believe that expenses are grossly excessive and should be based on receipts only.

Le gach deá ghuí,

Peadar Tóibín
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Issue public sector

Thank you for your response, Peadar.

However, I do find your answer somewhat problematic. You write that, ´All SF workers, including TDs, only recieve the average industrial wage´--is it more accurate to say that you TAKE the average industrial wage, but that your salary is the same as other TDs?

Is it worth suggesting that all TDs take home the average industrial wage, and would you, and your party, support such a recommendation in the next Dáil?


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Issue environment

Much of the election campaign talk has been of an economic nature. There has been talk of ‘growing the economy’; of ‘promoting growth’; or ‘providing/creating jobs’; and other talk that is all of an economic concern. However, science today tells us that climate change is a serious issue (however, contested); that peak oil is an increasing concern; that species extinctions are happening at an alarming rate; and in today’s news, the EPA has announced that over 50% of Irish landfill sites are nearly full.

Why does your party not assign equal attention to ecological issues as it does to economic issues?

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