Peter Fitzpatrick (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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(...) We are committed to changing the way in which Irish is taught in both primary and second levels, with the curriculum changing to inspire students to continue speaking the language after leaving school. We believe compulsion has not fostered growth or love of the language. (...)
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Issue education

What is your policy as regards compulsory Maths and Irish in the Leaving Cert? I understand the Fine Gael party leader proposed abolition of Irish some time ago. At present although many exemptions are granted never the less, those two subjects are still retained for the majority and accordingly a minimum standard is retained. The abolition of mandatory Irish for the civil service entrants has meant an inability of most departments to provide a service in the first official language to citizens who are entitled to do business with the state in the language of their choice,
answer sent by Peter Fitzpatrick
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Fine Gaels´s National Strategy is supportive of many aspects of the twenty year strategy for the future of the Irish language and will deliver on the achievable goals and targets proposed. We also support the continued development of Gaelscoileanna and will work with Colaisi Samhraidh to attract greater numbers to them. We are committed to changing the way in which Irish is taught in both primary and second levels, with the curriculum changing to inspire students to continue speaking the language after leaving school. We believe compulsion has not fostered growth or love of the language.

We will allocate 50% of marks to oral Irish exams. Fine Gael will review the obligations under the Official Languages Act to ensure expenditure on the language is best targeted towards the development of the language.

Best Regards
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