Dan Boyle (Green Party)

Year born

Professional qualification



Phone number
021 470 4238


Questions to Dan Boyle
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The role of regional and local government
Question from

What are your thoughts on how the latest proposed amendments to the Irish Firearms Acts - as contained in the Criminal Justice (Misc.Provisions) Bill 2009 - contravene the EU directive on Firearms (91/477/EEC) by requiring all Irish firearms owners to only purchase ammunition or firearms from Irish registered firearms dealers instead of the current (and in force since 1964) laws that allow them to purchase from any registered firearms dealer in the EU so long as the appropriate paperwork is in place?
Reply from
Dan Boyle

no reply so far
Civil rights, data protection and political participation
Question from

If re -elected what would you do to ensure europe pressures the Irish goverment to amend its laws on adoption by both single people and same sex couples to be more inclusive?
Reply from
Dan Boyle

3 interested people are waiting for reply
Civil rights, data protection and political participation
Question from

I wish to vote in the upcoming elections for local and EU election but there is no party I can agree with. I plan to draw an X on my ballot but I think that this will not express the fact that there is no party I support.

I think that it would be a good idea that there should be a box to tick on the ballot with
"I choose none of the above candidates" and maybe a line for you to give a reason why.

This would allow people like me to show politicians that I am not being represented by them.

And it would show other potential parties that there is voters who they can appeal outside of voters who have chosen a particular party leading to a more representative spread of parties and ideas.

What is your opinion on this idea of mine and if elected on this upcoming election would you support it?
Reply from
Dan Boyle

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