
Many thanks for your email and your interest in Fine Gael policy on the Irish language.
Fine Gael is very supportive of the Irish language and values its importance as a central part of our national identity and cultural heritage. The Party Leader Enda Kenny TD and many other Fine Gael representatives are fluent Irish speakers and are passionate about the need to revive Irish as a modern language of communication.
Fine Gael has supported many aspects of the Twenty Year Strategy for the Irish language and in Government, will deliver on the numerous achievable goals and targets proposed. We also recognise the significant role that the Gaelscoil movement has played in reviving the Irish language and the importance of Coláistí Samhraidh in fostering an interest in students in Irish.
However, Fine Gael believes that now is the time for reform in the approach to Irish in our mainstream education system to ensure that students use Irish beyond the classroom, following the conclusion of formal education. We believe that reinventing the way we teach Irish will encourage more students to study the language and engage with it for life.
Fine Gael believes that compulsion has not fostered growth or commitment to the language and this is reflected by the fact that only 4.4% of people speak Irish on a daily basis outside of education. To begin our reform in education, we will overhaul the curriculum at second level and will critically examine the effect of current training methods of teachers to teach. Irish as an optional subject for Leaving Certificate will only apply following consultations on both matters. We will also investigate a number of other curricular reforms such as an increased allocation of marks for oral Irish exams and the possibility of an expanded curriculum.
Please be assured that Fine Gael is entirely committed to the Irish language and its future. Our reforms are aimed at revitalizing the education system, to focus on Irish as a living language and to reignite a new interest in the language in Irish people for generations to come.
Our manifesto, details our proposals in this regard and are copied below for your information.
Yours Sincerely,
The Fine Gael Campaign Team 2011.
Fine Gael is strongly committed to the development of the Irish language and the Gaeltacht regions. We recognise the value and cultural importance of our Irish tradition and heritage and we are determined to ensure the language and the Gaeltacht regions survive and prosper.
National Strategy: We are supportive of many aspects of the twenty year strategy for the future of the Irish language and will deliver on the achievable goals and targets proposed.
Education: Fine Gael supports the continued development of Gaelscoileanna and recognises the significant role the Gaelscoil movement has played in reviving the Irish language within and outside Gaeltacht areas. We will also work with Coláisí Samhraidh to attract greater numbers to the Gaeltacht.
We are committed to overhauling the way in which Irish is taught at primary and second levels of education, to ensure teachers are equipped with the right tools to instil a love of the language for all students and the curriculum is designed to inspire students to continue speaking the language after leaving school.
We believe that reinventing the way we teach Irish will encourage more students to study the language and engage with it beyond the school system. We believe compulsion has not fostered growth or commitment to the language. We will overhaul the curriculum at second level and we will critically examine the effect of current training methods of teachers to teach. Irish as an optional subject for Leaving Certificate will only apply following consultations on both matters.
We will allocate 50% of marks to oral Irish exams.
A study on a double curriculum to Leaving Cert will be investigated, one on the current system and a second in communicating Irish. The questions of extra points for third level entry will be investigated.
Fine Gael will double the proportion of Irish students sitting the Higher Level Leaving Certificate exam by 2018.
Job Creation in Gaeltacht Regions: Our NewERA and Working for Our Future plans will deliver new job creation prospects to Gaeltacht regions. We will invest in energy, broadband and water infrastructure, creating the modern infrastructure needed to attract and support new businesses and jobs. We will also strongly support the potential for jobs in tourism and marine activities.
National Proficiency Scale: We will investigate the development of a national proficiency scale for the Irish language. This ten point scale would allow every citizen to have their competence assessed and use modern teaching methods and modern technology to gradually improve their proficiency at a pace that suits themselves.
Islands: We are committed to sustaining communities on the islands and will work to improve access to vital services for the islands so that island communities have appropriate access to health care and other social services.
Official Languages Act: Fine Gael will review the obligations under the Official Languages Act to ensure expenditure on the language is best targeted towards the development of the language.
An Ghaeilge
Tá Fine Gael go láidir ar son forbairt na Gaeilge agus na gceantracha Gaeltachta.Aithnímid luach agus tábhacht cultúrtha ár dtraidisiúin Ghaelaigh agus ár n-oidhreachta agus táimid diongbháilte go bhfuilimid chun a chinntiú go mairfidh agus go mbeidh borradh ar an teanga agus ar na ceantracha Gaeltachta.
Straitéis Náisiúnta: Táimid ag tacú le mórán gnéithe den straitéis fiche bliain do thodhchaí na Gaeilge agus tabharfaimid i gcrích na spriocanna gur féidir agus na haidhmeanna atá curtha chun tosaigh.
Oideachas: Tacaíonn Fine Gael le forbairt leanúnach na nGaelscoileanna agus aithníonn sé an ról suntasach atá ag gluaiseacht na nGaelscoileanna in athbheochaint na Gaeilge taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh dena ceantracha Gaeltachta. Chomh maith le sin, oibreoimid lena Coláistí Samhraidh chun níos mó scoláirí a mhealladh go dtí an Ghaeltacht.
Táimid meáite ar athchóiriú a dhéanamh ar an mbealach ina múintear an Ghaeilge sa chóras bunoideachais agus sa chóras iarbhunoideachais, chun féachaint chuige go bhfuil múinteoirí in inmhe grá don teanga a spreagadh sna scoláirí go léir agus go bhfuil an curacalam leagtha amach ar bhealach a ghríosóidh na scoláirí chun an teanga a labhairt tar éis dóibh an scoil a fhágáil.
Creidimid má dhéanaimid athchóiriú ar an mbealach ina múinimid an Ghaeilge go spreagfar níos mó scoláirí chun staidéar a dhéanamh ar an teanga agus chun í a úsáid taobh amuigh den chóras oideachais. Creidimid nár chothaigh an Ghaeilge éigeantach fás na teanga nó grá don teanga. Déanfaimid athchóiriú ar an gcuracalam dara leibhéal agus scrúdóimid go criticiúil an tionchar atá ag na modhanna oiliúna do mhúinteoirí atá i bhfeidhm i láthair na huaire. Ní bheidh an Ghaeilge mar ábhar roghnach go dtí go mbeidh cainteanna ar an dá ábhar tugtha i gcrích.
Bronnfaimid 50% dena marcanna ar an mbéaltriail.
Déanfar iniúchadh ar churacalam dúbailte go dtí an Ardteist, ceann amháin ar an gcóras reatha agus ceann eile ar an nGaeilge chumarsáideach. Déanfar iniúchadh ar phoinntí breise sa chóras iontrála go coláistí tríú leibhéal.
Déanfaidh Fine Gael lion na ndaltaí atá ag gabháil don chúrsa Ardteiste Ard leibhéal a mhéadú faoi dhó faoin mbliain 2018.
Cruthú postanna sna ceantracha Gaeltachta: Cabhróidh ár bpleananna Ré Nua agus Ag obair don todhchaí chun fostaíocht sna ceantracha Gaeltachta a chur ar fail, Déanfaimid infheistíocht i mbonneagair fuinnimh, leathanbhannda agus uisce, chun an bonneagar atá riachtanach chun comhluchtaí agus postanna nua a mhealladh agus a choimeád a chruthú.
Tabharfaimid tacaíocht láidir do chruthú postanna sa turasóireacht agus i ngníomhachtaí mara.
Scála Líofachta Náisiúnta: Déanfaimid iniúchadh ar fhorbairt scála líofachta náisiúnta don Ghaeilge. Chuirfeadh an scála deich gcéim seo ar cumas gach saoránaigh measúnú d?fháil ar a chumas agus úsáid a bhaint as modhanna nua-aimseartha múinteoireachta agus as an nua-theicneolaíocht chun feabhas de réir a chéile a chur ar a líofacht de réir mar a oireann dó féin.
Oileáin: Creidimid go láidir go gcaithfimid pobail a chothú ar na hoileáin agus oibreoimid chun feabhas a chur ar na seirbhísí riachtanacha dona hoileáin i dtreo is go mbeidh fail cuí ag pobail na n-oileán ar sheirbhísí sláinte agus ar sheirbhísí sóisialta eile.
Acht um Teangacha Oifigiúla: Déanfaidh Fine Gael athbhreithniú ar na dualgaisí faoin Acht um Teangacha Oifigiúla chun a chinntiú go bhfuil an caiteachas ar an teanga dírithe ar fhorbairt na teanga ar an mbealach ia éifeachtaí.