Enda Kenny (Fine Gael)
candidate Dáil election

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Teachta Dála
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Lightfort, Castlebar
(...) Current legislation fails to provided the necessary protection for women who are the victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and to facilitate the Garda to the greatest possible extent in bringing to justice those responsible for this 21-century form of servitude.

If in government, Fine Gael will examine the legislation in this area with a view of strengthening protection for victims. (...)
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Issue environment

Dear Enda,

As your party looks like being in Government, what do you propose to do to rectify the current situation in planning whereby the previous parties in government have, and are still allowing blatent ignoring of the regulations set down in the Planning and Development Act 2000 by developers in County Meath who appear to have political influence which has made Planning enforcement in Meath County Council a farce!


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Issue electoral system

Dear Mr. Kenny,

You have published proposals for reforming the Senate, the number of TD´s and how the Dail will operate in future.

What if any reforms have you for local authorities. It is evident for all to see that land re-zoning and corrupt practices by some Councillors and councils allied to doubtful planning practices by individual local authorities must share the blame along with the banks, the developers and builders yet your party intends to leave this entire area untouched.

The waste of public funds by way local authorities and their elected representatives as to how they operate is a scandal that has helped bring this country to its knees.

Your party representatives namely TD´s O Dowd, English, McEntee and CLlrs. O Dowd, Campbell and Dillon -Gallagher are fully aware of the planning abuses in East Meath and the doubtful role played by Meath County Council and its officials.

Thanking you,
Leo .

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Issue education

How would you help schools because teachers are dying out?
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Dear Mr O´Hanlon,

Many thanks for your email. Education is at the heart of Fine Gael plans for economic recovery. Please find attached the Party manifesto, which outlines the Party´s priorities for education.

Yours Sincerely,

The Fine Gael Campaign Team 2011.
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Issue justice

Dear Mr. Kenny,

It is widely accepted in both national and international circles that due to the current circumstances involving the EU/IMF financial agreement a substantial proportion of the population will fall below the poverty line in the coming decade.

It is also widely accepted that a direct consequence of this will be that people will have a significantly reduced quality of life and will die earlier than would otherwise be the case.

Do you accept this?

What could you do about it?

Your sincerely

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Issue social protection

Are you committed?

1. To combat the crime of trafficking of persons into Ireland.

2. To change the system so that victims of the crime of trafficking are treated within the Dept. of Justice and not perceived primarily as a problem of Immigration.

3. To ensure free legal advice is provided in a language understood by the victim.

4. To ensure social assistance is provided in the areas of housing, education, health, counselling without the condition of the willingness of a victim to act as a State witness in a criminal trial

5. To have Ireland enact legislation that criminalises the purchase of sex, which fuels sexual exploitation and increases human trafficking – similar to the Swedish legislation.
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Dear ,

Thank you for your query.

Current legislation fails to provided the necessary protection for women who are the victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and to facilitate the Garda to the greatest possible extent in bringing to justice those responsible for this 21-century form of servitude.

If in government, Fine Gael will examine the legislation in this area with a view of strengthening protection for victims.

Fine Gael Campaign 2011
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