Gerry Adams (Sinn Féin)
candidate Dáil election

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(...) I believe this represents a missed opportunity. I firmly agree with you that this kind of realignment of the left, an alliance for change in Ireland, is essential to challenge the conservative economic and social dominance of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. Regardless of the result on Friday, we will continue to argue for just this kind of realignment. (...)
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Issue democracy and civil rights

Why do we need to change our constitution, times change but the basic meaning never will.

"The strength of the Constitution lies in the will of the people to defend it."
( Thomas Edison)
answer sent by Gerry Adams
Gerry Adams
, a chara,

Thank you for your recent query regarding our constitution.

Sinn Féin believes that the constitution should be amended so that it is fully reflective of the values and aspirations of the Irish people today and which would form the basis for a future 32-county Republic.

This would draw upon the equality provisions in the Good Friday Agreement to safeguard citizens’ rights and be soundly based on democratic principles and international human rights standards. This would be put to the people in referendum.

We further believe that the way to make these changes is to establish an all-Ireland Constitutional Forum drawn from representatives of both legislatures on this island, civic society, business and trade unions which would discuss and bring forward proposals for constitutional change. The Forum would involve consultation at grassroots level and ensure participatory governance.

The political system has failed the people. It is unaccountable and protects those who have abused public office.

While the crisis in the economy is the most pressing issue at this time, fundamental political reform and the creation of a 21st century fit for purpose political system is absolutely essential.

Sinn Féin wants to restore the trust of citizens in political institutions and the electoral system.

I trust you find this information helpful.

Le meas,

Gerry Adams
Sinn Féin Party President
Dail Candidate for Louth

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Issue public sector

^^^^ (had to choose public sector because none of the topics applied to my question)
Topic: Relations with fellow Irish socialist, left-leaning political parties.

As you´re the President of Sinn Fein, would you be open to the idea of working closer with parties such as Labour, the Socialist Party.etc. because at the end of the day, you´re all parties of the Left and although some may be more moderate or other may be more extreme. Are you open to the idea of a united irish socialist political party or a loose socialist alliance in elections, combining Labour, yourself in Sinn Fein and the other parties of the Left in Ireland?

My own personally view is that the socialist movement cannot and should not be divided. I believe there should be a combination of Sinn Fein and Labour and the Socialist Party and others and that ends the division between fellow socialists. I know that the Labour Party may have moved away a bit from the values of its founders such as James Connolly and so forth but surely this can be worked upon and changed for the benefit of the working people.

Would you be open to this idea Gerry Adams?

Cheers. , Belfast.
answer sent by Gerry Adams
Gerry Adams
a chara,

Thank you very much for taking the time to contact me.

At Sinn Féin’s Ard Fheis in 2009 I called for a coming together of people on the left in Irish politics. This would include Sinn Féin, the Labour Party, other smaller left parties, trade unions, community organisations and other NGOs.

As I said in my speech, "Crucially such a new alliance would need to become far greater than the sum of its parts. It would not be enough just to create a more coherent left opposition in the Dáil and push the two conservative parties, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, together. That could become a recipe for the left being in permanent opposition.

"What is needed is a much greater project. For a truly new Dáil Éireann we need to build a grassroots movement for progressive change and social justice across this country, which the left parties and groups in alliance would help to mobilise, but which would take on a dynamic of its own.”

I made that call again at the 2010 Ard Fheis, and on a number of occasions since then. Unfortunately, the Labour party has repeatedly stated that it is not interested in such an alliance, though I am pleased to say we have strengthened and developed our links with the trade union movement, community organisations and the NGO sector over this time.

I believe this represents a missed opportunity. I firmly agree with you that this kind of realignment of the left, an alliance for change in Ireland, is essential to challenge the conservative economic and social dominance of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. Regardless of the result on Friday, we will continue to argue for just this kind of realignment.

Is mise,

Gerry Adams
Sinn Féin Party President
Dail Candidate for Louth
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Issue emmigration and integration

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